Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey do you want to fill my room with newspaper?

Sure, why not!

Yep, that is exactly what happened. Picts to prove.

Also, happy Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this!
As a gift here is an hour and 47 minutes of sick dubstep.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Concerning The UFO Sighting Near Provo

So over the weekend I either met some alien like creatures, or I was playing with long exposures. Take your pick.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vesuvius, Fire of Fire

Recently I went to a Sufjan Stevens concert where they played their song Vesuvius, off of their album The Age of Adz. After Listing to the explanation of the song and their performance of it live, it inspired me to revisit some of my photographs I took this summer while at Philmont. Anyway this is what I came up with.

I know the quality is not that great, but that's what you get with a crappy film scanner. Oh well.

You can listen to the song here --> Sufjan Stevens - Vesuvius